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Old 04/24/2007, 11:10 AM
TropTrea TropTrea is offline
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Location: SE Suburbia Wisconsin
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Originally posted by JCTewks
Trop Trea: what are the downsides to running LED's at 1000ma vs 350 or 700, aside from heat. i figure you could get aroud the heat issue with heatsinks and fans and still keep the led's at their optimal temp. are there any other downsides??
First off just looking at one specific LED we compare the manafucturers output to input

300mw= 68.4lum or 228 per watt
700mw = 92 lum or 131 per watt
1000mw =94 lum or 94 per watt

So on the effeciency of output per watt the 300mw is the most effective. On the other end if you needed 36 LED's at 300mw you could get tha same amount of light out of 26 at 1000mw. Actuall power usage would be 2.4X as much with the initial outlay being only 73% of the cost.

Other factors that need to be considered is that LED's will shift the color temp as the corrent is changed. Also the higher the current the shorter the life span of the LED.

Now in my mind the ideal situation would be to have them on a digital dimmer so you could slowly turn them on and off. Would not be hard with a square wave generator and digital counter circuit.

As a side note the owner of this thread is Sanjay. I only think it is fair to him to give us some his ideas here considering we are drifting way off the original topic.

Dennis B.
Tropical Treasures Etc.