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Old 04/11/2007, 08:04 AM
Ed Ricketts Ed Ricketts is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 40
Sea Critters has two new coral tanks going in tonight (though they're not open to the public tonight). Apparently the circus is in town and Bruce convinced 5 strong men to show up and heft 2 big acylic 250's into place. Of course, that's under 8 MHs (175's? 250's?) with what I think is a common 500gal sump. Now, I don't think he's populating it tonight, but over the next weeks to months, should be a pretty awesome setup. Probably should rename the place "corals-r-us" unless that's already taken.

BS, you could post a photo or two of your zoas, without being in danger of taking over the thread.