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Old 04/06/2007, 09:28 PM
Gman1978 Gman1978 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Easton,PA
Posts: 11
Originally posted by lesd
The vast majority of fish will ignore Bryopsis. I have Tangs who devour normal hair algae and caulerpa, but won't touch Bryopsis.

Some people have had success with rabbitfish. I've heard better stories about orange-spotted and doliatus rabbitfish than the common foxface. However, even that is hit or miss.

My problem is that I can't even use Lettuce slugs. I have too much flow in my tank and they just end up getting blown around and sucked into the overflow.

Phosphate removers (aluminum based ones) really make my leather corals unhappy.

So right now I'm just manually removing as much Bryopsis as I can, and it's steadily spreading all throughout my tank. Hopefully when I move the tank next month I can scrub down all the rocks and make a real dent in it.

Anybody tried a plethora of tuxedo or other urchins?

I have a 75gal that I just started 3 weeks ago. I used 80 pounds of cured tonga rock and then all of a sudden-wham. I have a lawn on the live rock. It is predominately on the top of the live rock,not the sides, or the sand yet.

My snails have been useless and cannot right themselves if they are in the sand beds. However, they are making good work of the grass.

With regards to urchins, I bought a pin cushion urchin who has now started mowing this stuff down for the first time tonight. Once my light comes on tomorrow I will take a closer look and see what he ate. I can also post a pic for you to confirm that my tank lawn is the same stuff...
-- Lesd