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Old 04/02/2007, 12:18 PM
cybrsufr cybrsufr is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Posts: 219
I am new to SW and Reefkeeping but, have done enough research over the past 8 months before even setting up my 90 Gallon Bowfront reef to know when something isn't right. I too have looked at PetCo's SW systems and even spoke to the manager of the dept at my local store (which just opened) and was plainly that they did not cycle their SW tanks, they just filled them and threw in Livestock. The manager himself stated he was appalled at this practice as he had two reef tanks of his own, but this is what they instructed him to do at the store startup. Also I have taken the time in the last 5 weeks while my tank is FULLY cycling with LIVE ROCK not critters or fish, and scoped out all of the SW aquarium shops in my area. What I have found is the EVERYONE of the chain/franchise stores (PetCo, PetClub, Perfect Pets, etc) had really sh&^^Y tanks that were full of hair algae, marine ich, dead fish with hermits eating them, lateral line disease on tangs, and so forth. It is a real shame that these companies are allowed to torture this livestock like this. Ultimately I have found that the two private LFS in my area have great looking tanks, with proper water conditions, quarentine tanks for new arrivals, and the one I use exclusively also uses only the top of the line filtration, skimming, pumps, ca reactors, and Kalk Reactors/stirrers (ALL Deltec) They also have a $150,000 700 Gallon Deltec Reef tank that has been running for 15 years and is gorgeous. So in the end I am going to say the same thing that I was taught in scuba diving when I first started that several years ago. In diving you are reminded to support you local dive shop for several reasons, the most important is having someone you can put a face to and trust with you equipment which is you life support when diving. I have found the same to be true in this new passion of mine, Reef Tanks. Find a LFS that maintains great quality livestock, has quality equipment, and practices safe reefkeeping practices (monitors water, fish, corals, etc regularly) and support them with you purchases. Noted that just like dive shops, these LFS's will probably have a higher cost associated with their livestock, however most if not all offer guarentees, and you will get much healthier livestock for your aquarium. Just my 2 cents worth.

aka: Cybrsufr