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Old 03/28/2007, 12:02 PM
Ruskin Ruskin is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Posts: 101
Frogspawn Questions

Hi. I've been offered a Frogspawn from someone local to me for a decent price. He said that it was doing great afew months ago but then took a turn for the worse. He lost 2 of the 3 heads on it. It has since recovered over the last month or so and he says its doing very well and looks healthy again.

What im wondering is this. Can a coral like this recover from whatever plagued it and be fully healthy again, or is it doomed to crash once more? If I did pick it up is there some sort of dip to do to prevent anything from making it into my system?

Thanks for the help, I just dont know enough about Frogspawn to purchase it without asking. It isnt that I dont trust the person, I'd rather be informed first rather then when its too late.
