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Old 03/22/2007, 09:40 PM
J4Life J4Life is offline
The Lord is my strength!
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Posts: 1,218
I completely disagree with most of these statements. However I will preface mine by saying that a mandarin of any kind should only be chosen by experienced reefers, but that being said we all have to start somewhere.

I have a target/spotted mandarin in my 75 gallon tank along with a sixline wrasse, both eat the frozen food, specifically Hikari brand. It seems to work the best. My mandarin chows down on blood worms and mysis shrimp. Plus he eats cyclop-eeze and daphnia along with the pods. I also have a good friend who has a mandarin spotted variety in his 29 gallon tall that is fat and happy.

You can have success with mandarins provided the right conditions in any tank. I have had several mandarins over the years and all of them with the exception of one ate frozen foods. Blood worms always worked in getting them to eat prepared foods for me, others have had similar success. This is becoming a more common occurrence for these fish.

The point I want to make clear is that rather than just discourage a fellow reefer why not provide them with a successful recipe and educate them so that they can have a better chance at success if they choose to do something that you necessarily in your own opinion don't agree with.
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