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Old 03/22/2007, 09:07 PM
newtanksmell newtanksmell is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Arizona
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I only recall one person on the boards that had a Mandarin that ate prepared foods. As I recall, he found out by accident, and that was after having the fish for a while.

I love Mandarins. I have wanted one since I fired up my little tank. Still, I refuse to jeapardize one's health without stacking the odds in the fishes favor with a well established pod population in my big tank and my bug tank.

I'm on my 5th or 6th round of dumping pods into my display and my refugium. While this is likely overkill for a permenent sustainable population, you can never have too many pods.

My 2 cents. Hope this helps.
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