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Old 03/15/2007, 10:56 AM
Flighty Flighty is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Southern NH, USA
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definitely either a BTA or a Magnifica (ritteri) . Keep your fingers crossed that it is a BTA. Magnificas are very challenging, get huge and really need a planned setup for them.

A magnifica, particularly color like that can frequently not show the verrucae and if it does they can just be variations in color rather than bumps. The way the foot is right now is more magnificaish, but new BTAs often do that too.

I can't really say what makes me solidly in the "its a BTA" camp, but after looking at many of both that is my opinion. If the foot goes into a rock crevice and the anemone stretches out more trumpet shape as it settles in, then it is %100 BTA (also called E. quadricolor)

I have some pics in my gallery for comparison.

Good luck with it.