Thread: Tiny Maxima
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Old 03/08/2007, 09:50 PM
Atticus Atticus is offline
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Originally posted by jay24k
I'd like to see where corals do better with supplemental feedings also because I don't believe that at all. I could possibly see corals that require feedings like dendros but SPS and LPS do not need supplemental feedings by any means.
I hope you are kidding... Do you not feed your fish because you have live rock and there is food for them that grows out of it???

Humans also do not need feeding they can survive for a week on air and water alone, heck if they have decent fat stores maybe longer.... Why starve your corals, clams, and other critters when proper foods are available???

If you want to see a coral feeding response put a teaspoon of brine shrimp or clam juice in your tank. Corals also extend their polyps most at night, funny how that coincides perfectly with plankton, both phyto and zoo, blooms...

This thread has become the polar opposite of the orignal post that was taken out of context and lead people to believe that clams would die without feedings. Clams and corals with photosynthetic zoox can survive on light and clean water, but they do not do so in the wild and should not be forced to solely survive in this sterile manner in our tanks. When you purchase a living thing you take responsibility for its quality of life and well being, respect your critters.
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