Thread: Clam under PC
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Old 02/27/2007, 01:45 PM
Jovreefer Jovreefer is offline
Zoa Color Pirate
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Posts: 2,219
Ugh.. I cant believe I'm going to jump in on this thread... but here I am.

Granted I agree crocea's & maxima's should only be kept under MH... but they can be kept under PC's with proper care. I kept a crocea for almost 1.5 years under pc's, not only that but in a tiny nano tank.

I would definatly not reccomend it, espically to a newbie.

Clam was put in a 2 gallon tank in my cube for 4 months before transfering to a 10 gallon under 96W pc. Clam was almost 3 inches when I got him, I did feed fresh phyto about once a month when I visited a friend & grabbed some from him, so yes, it was getting tiny bits of extra supliments. Tank was no where near natural light either. No skimmer for about half the time either .. just bi-weekly water changes. That tank was running for 1 year.

I eventually upgraded to a 20H when I moved & got a MH light for the clam. Clam is still alive... will be 3 years old this comming july.

The only strange thing I've seen with this clam is the shell took on a Maxima growth look instead of the smoother crocea look. Dont know if that was somehow due to the PC lighting or what, but even a year later under MH it still has long "scoot" growth.

I've been meaning to get a picture of the growth forever now to show the smooth to ridgid growth... REALLY neat looking, I've had quite a few people comment on it who see it in person.

I think I covered all the basis hear, size of tank, lights, duration under lights, size of clam, no windows, feedings... so I'd hope any questions be truly for discovery & not simply to dis-credit me & flame me

Edit: oh yea... almost forgot, it grew in every tank, I had a new shell layer in the 2 gallon. several in the 10 gallon & just as many in the 20 under the MH.. have not noticed any speeding up or slowing down of growth this whole time. Actually just measured the clam last month for the first time when I got my new baby maxima, clam is now 6.5 inches. Much bigger than I had guestimated.
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