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Old 02/14/2007, 06:55 AM
k_kagy k_kagy is offline
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Location: California, LA
Posts: 414
Opinions on why fry died

This is exactly what I did for my clownfish eggs.

1. I put the eggs in 10gal tank with parent water from main tank.
2. Temperature was preset to maintain the same temp with an airstone over the eggs.
3. Turned of all lights and went to work at 10pm
4. Came home at 6am and turned on lights to see about 60+ larva swimming around. I noticed that some were eating the rotifers and went on to put more rotifers in the tank with a little DT.
5. Went to bed woke up at 4pm and they were all dead!

Any suggestions so that for next time I will make it a little further?


Also, not all the eggs came off the tile, but looked healthy still.