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Old 02/10/2007, 09:52 PM
thedude15810 thedude15810 is offline
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I have no idea as to how those pictures are at all relevant to this thread, but I'll elaborate on the Deltec.

I've setup tanks with many different skimmers and this particular setup was impressive for several reasons.

1. The water was relatively clear in 12 hours of the tank turning on. I attribute this to the surface movement and Deltec.

2. The skimmate wasn't your typical watery sandy skimmate associated with new tanks. This skimmate when tilted to the side (and we tried to show this) was actual a cup of sand in the collection cup. Water came along with the sand but I have NEVER seen a skimmer pull an actual cup of sand from a new tank.

Anyway, it was very impressive to me but the real NOG is yet to come