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Old 02/07/2007, 06:51 PM
boombadan boombadan is offline
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Posts: 18
LR and LS question

I was wondering how much live rock and live sand i should buy for the 29g biocube?In the magazine i get(like dr. foster or something) it was like 90$ for 22lbs of live rock yet iv heard people have been putting in 30lbs of rock in the biocube. I have no clue how much the live sand costfrom the magazine or anywhere.LOL
At the lfs i can buy live rock 8.50$ a pound but that sounds like a rip off if i can get 22lbs for 90$. I can always buy the 22lbs from the magazine and then buy more from the store i guess. I hate the idea of having to cure it though since its being shipped. It gets me nerves to buy it then have most of it die off. But i guess if its a lot cheaper.
I plan to make a reef aquarium with the works, coral and such. I have no idea about the live sand. If i should even bother with live and just buy dead. My freind also said i didnt have to buy all live rock too. He said i could buy dead rock for a base and then the organisms would move to the dead rock after i cycle the tankand it would become live. If i go with this plan should i buy live sand, the 22lbs of live rock and some dead rock. Or should i just buy dead sand, 22lbs of live rock, and some dead rock?????........
Help me out here im new Any suggestions???? Itd help a lot...thankks