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Old 02/01/2007, 02:57 PM
ReefBuddha ReefBuddha is offline
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silly scientists and thier scienciness.

Al Gore - Nobel Nominee
The fight for the global climate is a fight for peace, say members of parliament Børge Brende and Heidi Sørensen, and they have nominated former US Vice-president Al Gore for a share of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Canadian environmentalist Sheila Watt-Cloutier is now nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.Former US VP Al Gore has thrust the global climate change issue into the public consciousness. The two green-thinking MPs suggest that Gore share the prize with Inuit Sheila Watt-Cloutier, in recognition for their efforts to put the danger posed by climate change on the global political agenda.

"This is clearly, absolutely, one of the important efforts to achieve conflict prevention. Climate change can lead to enormous flows of refugees on a scale the world has never seen before. Fighting climate change is immensely important work for global peace," Heidi Sørensen, member of parliament for the Socialist Left Party (SV), told Aftenposten.