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Old 01/17/2007, 09:40 AM
MiddletonMark MiddletonMark is offline
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Madison, WI
Posts: 13,532
Some folks have used UPS [like for computers] or marine batteries to run a supplimental power source for the tank [powerheads mainly].

I believe the Vortech ph has some sort of battery backup ... none of these would work for days - but in short episodes probably help. [also, very low power-use stream-style powerheads would be the best bet ... most flow for the least power].

I'd think if fed a little, most corals could probably go a few days without light. [longer, depending] I know I've had no lights on my tank for periods of a day or two with little issue [provided the tank is healthy to begin with]
Heat and water movement IMO are a little harder to have long periods without and would be what I'd focus on.

Now that my tank is nearly 4, I really should get a generator just-in-case [I live in WI]. You gotta figure that when power goes down, there will be a big line.
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