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Old 01/13/2007, 10:53 AM
reefkoi reefkoi is offline
Boomer gave me this
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,043
Originally posted by ezcompany
maximum temperature of toleration would be 86 degrees, which is 30 degrees celcius in which according to Jame's book, is the temperature where tridacnids grow the fastest. Anything above that is life threatening (87.8F or 31C)
I was puzzled when reading this. Maybe in the ocean due to something unknown? I have personally seen all the croceas & maximas in a holding system die at 84 degrees, so I always shot for a max of 82 at the peak, with no chiller.
I prefer 78-80 though as my target range now. Havent lost a tridacna yet with this temp.
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