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Old 10/30/2006, 04:18 PM
clownfish75 clownfish75 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Queensland, Australia
Posts: 470
one thing to consider matt, there are only 3 non damselfish/clownfish on that list, the cleaner wrasse, yellow tang, and blue tang, none of those things hold a higher price in the US than a orchid dottyback do they.

bet if you were selling an orchid at $15 wholesale to a shop and the wholesalers were sellign at that price when the customer comes to a $30 orchid then sales figures will go throguht he roof.

bit of a supply and demand situation. although if you halve the price you need to sell 2X more, selling them is probably not hard, but breeding twice as many may not be so easy.
