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Old 08/15/2006, 12:10 PM
ReeferMac ReeferMac is offline
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Originally posted by newtophish
Mr. Mac, Please remember that there are persons, I know it is hard to believe, that are just finding out about RC, like myself. We do not yet understand all of the intricacies of prying the knowledge out of legendary posters such as yourself.
There are a lot of times when the amount of information presented is totally overwhelming to us newbies and we are forced to ask a "stupid" questions that you yourself must have asked 5 or 6 years ago. I understand that it is hard to sit up on your huge knowledge base dispensing tidbits to us masses.
I will look forward to your next thread you start to enlighten us.

Don't you need 100 posts before you can post in the lounge?

Ya know mate, it's this holier-than-thou BS from every newbie out there that is exactly I'm talking about. You prolly want a bibliography w/ every post too? Do you ask someone that's been doing this for more years than you have fish to explain every statement? Make your mechanic tell you why the transmission needs replacing? Sigh..... You think I wake up every day craving a chance to elucidate some newbie? Yeah, that's it, thats why I come here. Nothing better to do than frustrate myself over other people's laziness.

Maybe hit the search engine BEFORE posting your question. Do ya think, perhaps, maybe, there's an outside chance, that ONE other person might not have understood "issue x" the first time? No, of course not, you and your situation are unique in this world, and nobody could have possibly ever been confounded by such complex information.

If there was a grain of wheat in the mountain of chaff, you'd have an argument, is the point.

Something I learned a long time ago, that may aid you in life, is to learn when to sit back, shut up, and listen. You'll be in these shoe's too some day.

- Mac