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Old 08/11/2006, 07:13 PM
Ciarán Ciarán is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Ireland
Posts: 267
Americans and all of us owe a lot to the dedication and wonderful advances made in the hobby to European hobbyists, most notably from the Netherlands and Germany. 15 years ago, reefing wasnt the huge thing it is now. Why is Ca(OH)2 called "kalkwasser" (translation, lime or literally "chalk water"), why are European originated brands such as Aqua Medic and Deltec etc. some of the most widely respected and regarded in the hobby? Where did all the new American reef "gurus" get there knowledge and experience of successfully operating a captive reef? People like Peter Wilkens and Alf Nielsen etc. Reefing is a very new phenomenon (in relative terms). Guys like Ralph and the the proprietors of the LFS he mentioned are how this hobby became accessible on a grand scale.

We dont know Ralph's income or personal expenditure (nor do most of us have any shred of interest in doing so), it is of the utmost distaste to speculate and throw wild estimates around. For all you know, he could have saved for this tank for years. It is not my place to speak for the man, but i am just saying whether he is "rich" or "poor", his exquisite tank, though indeed looking costly by "normal" standards, is matched by his apparent commitment and dedication.

In terms of post count, he is German, this is an ultra-american forum. Im not being critical, but European culture and America are TOTALLY different things. We do have our own indigenous forums over here and many prefer their style. RC post count is not a guage for viability for TOTM or of personal experience, i reckon tank quality would be the judge of that, and judgin by 99.9% of the other replies, there is a resounding cohesion in that is is fantastic. I will never have a tank like that, that's cool with me, not everyone has to have a 850 TOTM, diversity is the key draw to this hobby for me and such is why we all have preferences for SPS or LPS or Softies or FO etc. Its the beauty of reefkeeping. There is no one blueprint or model to be strictly adhered to IMHO. Every tank can be beautiful and inspiring in different ways.

I hate to sound so condescending and patronising and do not speak for anyone else. If this post irritated you i apologise, i just feel a very humble and honest individual was scathed unreasonably for something he has every right to possess and indeed show off. The commitment (in every respect) to its inception, creation and sustainance is something that deserves accredation from us all.

Thanks Ralph for showcasing a wonderful example of beauty and dedication to this hobby...