Thread: Calcium Level
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Old 08/08/2006, 08:35 PM
LFS_worker LFS_worker is offline
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kris I highly recommend that youy read ALL of the articles in the reef chemistry forum... as reeferMac said

for a quickie ... like putter said test you alk if its low just dose alk till your ca comes down. If it is normal wait it out either way I'd wait until it comes down naturally.

CA being high is not really to much of a problem just note that you are on the edge of precipitating the bicarb and calc and forming raw calcium carbonate (which in lamans means youve got about 3 to 4 hours of scraping the tank and cleaning your pumps)

and behold my chemistry bible

Id bookmark this as well as the calculator that he offers in his links

Good luck Kris ... man have you come along way sence the first couple of visits in the store

:) I still cant believe they pay me to go hang out with people who have the same hobby as me. :)