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Old 07/06/2006, 07:46 PM
gordon903 gordon903 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: ohio
Posts: 221
got the tank today it is actualy 18 and a half by 72 and a half so now i will start the stand the materials are here so i dont think it will take long then i will start the canopy i just got home from the lfs and he had a canopy that i really liked but for 500 with no lights i took the measurements of course being a nice guy he helped me well thats the latest update hope to have some pics in a couple of days im writing a list of materials and dimensions of all the components so if any one would like them let me know i will post it in the diy section as soon as im totaly finished wich may be a while since things are moving slower than planed i need to stay out of the fish store i keep spending the money i have for this on other stuf for the other tanks
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