Thread: New Fish Store
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Old 06/24/2006, 10:59 PM
Fat Surgeon Fat Surgeon is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 186
Well well well John, you finally got the name right. I was wondering how long it was going to take you. And here I thought I told you to play nice.

[quote] after all he has some of my frags in his tank, lol. [qoute]

You must be talking about that Kenya Tree coral I bought from you and PM'd you the night of the auction about. You remember right? The one that was stuck to the glass of your aquarium and you decided to sell it anyway? And here I thought you were an expert on corals John.... Anyhow, It ended up dying because of what you did to it. I thought perhaps I could bring it back after you failed to PM me back about it. I wasnt asking for a refund. I didnt need anyones corals. I was seeing how honest you would be about it. The only reason I bought that coral was because I was testing you and this group to see how honest you were and YOU failed miserably. However, I will be happy to say that Roll's Hydnophora worked out fine in it's own tank and is now three times as big as when I got it. Thanks Roll

[quote] He reminds me of a school bully who in turn grows up old and alone. [quote]

Quite the contrary Fishwife. I lead a very active lifestyle and have many people that I am happy to call friends. This is between John and I. In fact, I dont recall Tribal leader or myself asking for your opinion. Now might be a good time for you to zip it.

Wanna keep going John? Ive got quite a bit more where that came from. Remember, I told you to play nice. I keep putting the ball in your court and you keep missing the shot John. Now let's try it again........