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Old 05/15/2006, 09:09 PM
tazmanian_cowboy tazmanian_cowboy is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 97
Hey Jonathan, Things are looking good. I had a bumpy start though. It seems that after all of the precautions that I was taking to acclimate up to the more intense light, My timer stuck over the weekend with the halides on. This happened that weekend after I picked up from you. I was away all weekend, and do not know how long exactly the halides were on. but I realized what had happened after I saw most of my corals burned at the top sides and the tank spiked to 89 degrees.

So after the bumpy start and after my wife got over being ****ed at me for buying the hood( she was snickering when I said my coral burned) All of the burnt spots are coming back and regaining color. As for the other stuff, Its looking great. Love it

Thanks again