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Old 05/14/2006, 12:26 PM
neyugn0w01 neyugn0w01 is offline
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Majority of the people need gas for their vehicle but reefers do not need the LE corals. Your comparsion between the two is flawed.

UFreefer- the owners get to pick a frag from his LE or auction corals. They also get a great marketing hype for their company if they have one. In the long run, the companies benefit from the free advertisement, while Tyree just makes about $100 a month on the coral if it survives.

For example, look at the watermelon chalice. That thing is incredible. You are lucky to find one for Tyree's asking price. On the other hand, look at the micromussa on the list. They seem to be just a faded red (ala pink). As always in this hobby, BUYER BEWARE.