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Old 04/21/2006, 11:19 PM
evolust evolust is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Posts: 2,707
Wow your stocking list looks similar to mine! I have a male female pair of epaulettes, a PBT, goldentail moray, vlamangi, and a squarespot anthias. Along with 6 other tangs. and i had a lunre in there. Trust me, that is a huge bioload! I have a 300g with 2 40g sumps, a G3 skimmer, a fuge and a UV. I do 35g water changes every week. And still have nitrates at 10-20ppm. I have also read that butterflies are a no-no with sharks, but I have no first hand experance with this. If you do set up a shark-ray tank a grounding probe is a must! I just put one on and it has really made a difference with the time the sharks stay out in the open instead of hiding all day. GL
Dont act like your skim don't stink! :)

