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Old 04/21/2006, 12:11 PM
nbd13 nbd13 is offline
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Location: Tecumseh, Michigan
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Never said eaing=healthy, i said eating and healthy.

There are many ways to "skin a cat", some people do it this way, other do it that way....

No way is wrong, just what that individual feels most comfortable with.

I feel better buying my fish from Sedar, he has healthy fish, no disease, and they eat for me.

I have never bought fish from liveaquaria, just read most things about them...from what i have read, most people have been happy with them...

Not to say a bad fish couldn't come in once in awhile, but most places will not willing sell an unhleathly fish....

I have recieved many fish from Sedar, so far the fish have been in great health....

personally if a quaratine tank consist of a 40 gallon tank with PVC fittings and you throw a large angel in there it will not be happy and stress it more.....Now if it consist of a 70+ gallon tank with live rock for it to pick off of, places to hide, and dim lighting then i think that is the best way; you can control what the fish is eating, watch it for disease and it will slowly get used to you. Now i know you cannot treat a tank with medication that has LR in it...but i feel that if you provide the proper type of quaratine it is better in the long run...

If a quaratine tank is a 40 gallon with PVC fittings, then i think it has a better chance in the display..

again this is my methodiology, not saying it's right or wrong...
