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Old 03/23/2006, 12:09 PM
PiNaPLeX PiNaPLeX is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: San Jose, CA
Posts: 437
looks like those lights are more for planted aquariums. honestly, they look like PC's in a different arrangement. Its a little fishy how he brushes of the PAR ratings of lights in the FAQs:

" I have spoken to our OEM who manufacturers our base units for the PAR rating or our lights and they claim this is a non issue and more of a marketing gimmick then any actual concern on their lights."

Finally, if you read closely, they focus on "growing plants or marine live stock" and any reefer knows that when it comes to fish, any light will do. But with corals, it's a whole different matter. So, IMO, no these lights are not better than MHs. I've never used them, i'm just going by what i've read in that ad.

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