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Old 03/02/2006, 07:35 AM
djcool563 djcool563 is offline
completly outta money
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: NE OHIO
Posts: 1,177
I wasnt worried about the money or the years in school i just wanted to see what was instore for me when i graduate. Do i go for a Bachelor of Science degree? Would it be best to have Biology as a major in normal college or do they have a Med major? The only problem i see right now is i dont get the best of grades in some classes (Mainly just Spanish class) but in any type of science class i am great at. I am wondering will it really affect me in the long run if im not getting the best grades i in High School ( I get from C's up mostly B's and A's). Or will it really matter what grades i get in College?
Thanks Everyone
" A man truly at peace with himself has the potential to do something, but the ablility not to"

"Think not why the sky is blue but instead think that the sky is blue for a reason"

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