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Old 02/21/2006, 11:46 PM
toto toto is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 16
well marcom.... i have to say..i cant blame ya for not wanting to shop locally. dang!! Thats too bad. At least 1/2 dozen times a day we find ourselves answering the question "how hard is saltwater?" its a toughy. in the 12 years weve been in business weve seen alot of changes in the industry, and the truth is that it is getting easier, however you cant just add water and go. (its not that easy) unfortunatly, there are alot of stores out there that give really bad advice. at our store we dont have anyone working for us that hasnt been in the hobby for at least 6 or 7 yrs. there are 2 people at our store that have been in the hobby since the early 70's. talk about seeing alot of changes in the hobby! the really hard part about this hobby is that there are soooo many opinions on how to achieve success. THAT is why the question "how hard is s/w?" is a real tough question to answer. My best advice to you is to read as much as you can, ask a ton of questions, then take all of that information and find what method works best for you. and one more thing...if you ask a question to someone and you dont understand the answer.. ask again. sometimes those of us who have been doing this for awhile forget that the person we are talking to probaly doesnt understand the lingo. we remind ourselves of that on a daily basis.