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Old 02/21/2006, 05:32 AM
firefish2020 firefish2020 is offline
Coral Propagation Tech
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: West Virginia
Posts: 3,460
...The internet is the most drastic change we've seen in a long time. We are not only competing against local stores, but now have to compete with something that is waaaay larger than were used to...
Could not agree more that is why I think in time some local shops might unite in order to benefit from larger group discounts. It's an idea but like your last line about IGA states it prob will never work but we still try. I don't think most people realize how competitive some LFS in an area can be towards each other. We have one in particular that has gone so far as to actually sell merchandise at near wholsale prices just to compete with us LOL. On a brighter side we also have managed to network with a small handfull of shops and have great relations between us. If one of us doesnt have what a customer needs we send them there. Lucky for us we have had a strong following for well over 34 years, the only factor I can think of is that we try to treat everyone fairly and provide hands on services when needed thats service not found elsewhere in our area or online.
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