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Old 11/23/2005, 01:34 AM
Samala Samala is offline
Sea cowgirl
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Orlando, FL
Posts: 2,570
I'm very glad to hear the worst you've come away with is being told you have flat spots on yer eyes.. My own flash burns, about what you ended up with I gather, took two weeks before they were healed to the point that I didnt notice fuzzy spots and such. Keep up the healthy stuff, cant hurt. Maybe a little Selco on your food... ?

Again, glad to hear you turned out alright and thanks for the post. A good warning for all of us.
"Seaweed is cool, seaweed is fun, it makes its food from the rays of the sun!"
"Wild means everyone owns it, and no one owns it." ~3rd grader