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Old 10/30/2005, 10:27 AM
MiddletonMark MiddletonMark is offline
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Madison, WI
Posts: 13,532
As I understand, generally bioballs will only reduce things to nitrate.

The end result of using a DSB, or LR for nutrient processing ideally results going one step further, leaving nitrogen gas - not nitrate.

Thus it's only part of the process. IMO, you could probably run 3 different devices for moving things from amm. -> nitrite -> nitrate ... but when one works fine, why do it with three?

Thus if you already have other methods, that allow the possibility [even if imperfect] to further reduce ... why extra redundancy in bioballs for a `reef' tank?

For a fish only or other use, the w/d is mighty useful [esp if high bioload].

Or if it didn't collect lots of debris, become a rarely maintained device all too easily [ever cleaned one? I'm sure glad I'll never do that again]

My opinion, ignore if you don't agree
read a lot, think for yourself