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Old 07/27/2005, 07:24 AM
luminary luminary is offline
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Originally posted by condor13090
Well that was the day before the dive so I wasn't drinking and diving, But I did feel a little off the next day.
Not to sound nit picky, but that is drinking and diving. The actual intoxication will have well worn off, but it's unlikely that you will be fully rehydrated, especially for a morning dive. When I dive, I keep my drinking to no more than 1 soft liquor the day before (1 beer or 1 glass of wine, absolutely no hard liquor). Of course, everyones physiology is different. You just need to remember that there is more to worry about from alcohol than just intoxication.

Originally posted by condor13090
As for the heart disease I did have a double bypass 2 years ago and that does concern me a little. I don't mind diving to 60 ft. but a friend wants me to do some wreck diving in the ST. Lawrence to 120 ft. and I'm not willing to push my limits so I'll pass.
As for my doctor allowing me to dive...the type of surgery I had does not limit me in any way. I'm in better shape than most 20 year olds and do alot of mountain climbing, hiking and biking for being 48.
I really appreciate all the positive comments...Thanks George
I would strongly recommend you pass on a 120ft dive at this time. Especially on a wreck in the St. Lawrence (I'm sure there are some easy ones, but most I've heard of are intermediate or advanced dives). Not because of your heart condition though...IMO you need to get a bunch more 60ft and under dives in with no issues before attempting a deeper water dive. There's no rush, let yourself gain some experience. Once you log 10, 20, 30, whatever dives in the sub 60ft range without incident then you can start slowly increasing your depths. Maybe try a 75 a couple times...then 90. Take it incrementally and see how your body reacts.