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Old 07/26/2005, 02:17 PM
condor13090 condor13090 is offline
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Good thread! I did drink at least 4-5 glasses of wine the night before...I know thats not's probaly why I got sick as this happened once before many years ago on an ocean fishing trip in Oregon with 8 ft. swells, plus another guy who drank the night before also got sick. On the plus side the fish really started hitting and we caught 60 snappers in an hour...3 at a time! Some good chum...
Another factor could be the new wet suit...I had on a 1/2 mil skin and a 5 mil wet suit that was never worn before and over heating may have worsen the situation. What might be real comfortable at depth may overheat you struggling at the surface. Plus I felt so constricted with the suit and once I was winded I removed the snorkel and still couldn't catch my breath. It felt like a Boa constricter was choking me...