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Old 07/26/2005, 10:26 AM
gregt gregt is offline
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Thanks for taking the time to do that assessment, but I have to disagree.

There are far too many factors to use a software model to "completely rule out DCS". The old rule GIGO applies. You do not have enough data to properly make that statement, IMO.

You may be able to conclude that DCS is 99.9% unlikely, and your information is most certainly interesting, but you simply cannot rule it out without having more information than has been provided.

If you enter the numbers into a computer it can be proven that a 5 min mile is impossible. Much like Lance Armstrong somehow produces less lactate than a normal person, making his virtually impossible uphill climbs (according to the computer models) possible, you simply cannot know how the tissues of a given person may react by using a software model.

If you want to know - ask. But I won't promise you'll like the answer.