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Old 07/21/2005, 03:06 PM
Marshall Marshall is offline
amateur zookeeper
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: west philadelphia
Posts: 986
Originally posted by darrellh
I emailed them to get credit. Forget trying to talk to talk to these people on the phone.
Did you read their website? It says explicitly what to do in order to receive a credit. They also included a piece of paper right on top of the order telling you what to do (for me at least). I am also dealing with a fish that died the day after I bought it and it is unfortunate that they will not let me credit that fish towards another order (only replace the exact same fish) but those are the rules. You should read the fine print very carefully and understand it is not an easy task for fish to go across the country in 90+ weather, even overnight. You pretty much need to expect some kind of casualties here or at least be very prepared for them. Also their emails have been about a day apart, I haven't waited more than 1 day for a response unless it was over a weekend.

The other two fish I ordered are very good specimens and I was pleased. The fish that died was terrible looking and I knew it was going to die. They said they just can't find powder blue tangs that aren't pinched to send off. Oh well... my LFS is way expensive.
