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Old 06/12/2005, 10:36 PM
Randall_James Randall_James is offline
"Old Yeller"
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 6,619
Originally posted by billsreef
I'm glad you had luck with it, but it's none of the "pepper sauces" are known to be very consistant in their sucess rates.
That's for sure, I for one am really amazed at the numbers of "Panic" posts that hit here from individuals that have apparently not been told the secret of success on an ich free tank....


I have thousands invested in my tanks and can not even start to imagine dropping a $100 fish into one of them that could even possibly contain an organism that could wipe out the entire shooting gallery in a couple days.

Sure it is 8 weeks but it is still a lot better option than loosing a tank that has been up and running for a year or more without a bit of trouble.

end of rant.................