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Old 06/11/2005, 09:39 PM
NE NE is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Alabama
Posts: 79
Major Problem!!!!!!!

Ok Dr. Ron - I don't know what to do - let me start 45 gal tank - water parameters great - Nitrite - 0, Ammonia - 0, Nitrates -20 or less, Ph- 8.3, salinity - 1.025, Temp 81 - I had a false percula about 2 weeks ago start not eating, breathing rapidly, hovering in one spot, and a white strand coming out of him underneath - took him to my LFS after a few days and they QT him - well he died - now my black & white false percula is doing the same thing - started 4 days ago. In the meantime I have tried everything that I know to do. He won't eat so everything that I've tried to medicate his food with is a waste - I even tried to syringe it into his mouth!!!!! Yesterday I put prazi-pro in my tank, stopped my protein skimmer and took out my carbon. This morning no better and my purple fridmani was dead!!!!! He's been doing great! Black & white false still the same. So today my LFS told me to do a dip for him in formalin - 1 gallon per 1ml which I did for 50 minutes. Put him back in the tank. Now he looks like he MIGHT have a white spot or two - can't really tell. Can I add kick-ich in my tank now also? Or is that going to interact with the Prazi-pro? I'm soooooo confused and don't know what in the world to do. I've really worked hard on this tank and feel like giving up - I'm so upset! Please give me any advice that you can - Thanks so much - Beckie