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Old 06/07/2005, 02:45 AM
d34532 d34532 is offline
Crazy Aquarist
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Garden Grove, CA
Posts: 1,269

I would also like to say sorry for the lost. Even tho Ive only had my Regal for about 2 weeks now and I don't mean to say it like I'm being an expert and 2 weeks is by no means an expert. I also way many regal that I refuse to take up as I will not "save" any animal from a poor and careless LFS. I free this only support that certain shop with your own hard earned money. I do hope you decide to pick up a regal if you decide to. If you order one from your LFS make an agreement with that they would have to keep it for 2 or 3 weeks. If you have to pay in full then do it but only if they agree its their duty to take care of it for the length in time you agree with them. I would also visit that LFS and feed it as often as you can so that you can see that it does feed often and not feed for a few day so that when you came in it would eat.

Let me share my process at the different lfs in regal. Price is not and should be the factor unless its very overpriced
1st LFS.
They had the grey/blue chest not bright color (this color maybe normal from the loc it was collected from) body shape was ok but a bit on the thinner side. It did eat live brine shrimp very common diet with this lfs but it wasn't attacking the food. I also asked when they got it was just a few days ago.
Cost $49
2nd LFS
They have the RS Regal. They feed them pellet, live brine, and some other stuff. I know that they use copper in their fish tanks maybe common with all the LFS I go too. Their price is the highest I think it was and some of their stuff is way over priced some stuff its 150% to 200% or more then other good LFS. The copper I really heard bad thing so I decided no to even try and I also say many other sick fish that share the same water. They always have a few dead fish when I come in but they carry a LOT of live stock so this might be avg. to other shop.
3rd. Red Sea Regal. This is where I got mine and here is why. I went there to look around and saw that they had one. Im going to use the term "her/she" if check spike being short is female. Talked to the worker and asked if they would feed her (2 days before I picked her up). Then come in again and asked if they would feed it again that weekend when I pick her up. Both times that I was there I saw her eat and she ate the biggest piece of food so I know she ate good at less 2 times in 3 days. She was alert where she was and she would inspect and watch me when was near the tank. She looked like she wasn't stressed. She is fat, bright colored, good eater, alert and aware (a little shy but interested in the side of the glass). I also checked out all the other fish in the store and overall they looked very good. All the fish had "decent" tank 20-30gal for most of their 2 to 5 inch with only about maybe 5 fish per tank which I liked also vs. fish that was 2 inches fish in holding rack that was maybe 5x5x5 inches cube (2 or 3 fish per cube) at other shop sometimes used. So the shop truely care about their again and most of their stock. Price ($100 for a 4inch RS regal)was at the top of the going market but not overpriced, I feel this was at a great discount because they way they take care of they livestock and not overload their tank. They could have increase their livestock maybe 2 times what they have but why when you only want to sell the best.

I only went to 3 that I already know had the best livestock in my area.

Believe in what you know and stand by it.