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Old 05/13/2005, 01:40 PM
JHReef JHReef is offline
Slave to Lower Life Forms
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Planet Earth, CA
Posts: 545
Originally posted by Dawson
Finally we decided to call Fox news about it. Suddenly, about 15 minutes after Fox news was involved, the sheriff's office decided to cooperate and everything went smoothly from there - even though the sheriff was less than happy to be in front of a camera the whole time. It was absolutely stunning the reaction we were getting from people whose job it was to defend these animals. Even if they didn't believe us, they could have at least looked into it, but no one wanted to lift a finger.
Maybe they would have responded if there was a snake in the donut shop Hey I was a civil servant at one time and I can tell you from personal experience that there are some really lazy folks on federal, state, and local payroles. Of course there are exceptions to this rule as in any other general statement, but it just burns me up to see it firsthand, and stories like this just fuel the fire. Hence my move to private sector work.
My opinion is worth exactly what its worth.