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Old 05/03/2005, 08:36 PM
bheron bheron is offline
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JC - thanks. thats really what I'd like to do - get enough feedback from people who've done this and "what would the do differently the next time around". thanks for the feedback.

some comments:

1. Make certain you have an exhaust fan in the tank room. I use a cheapo bathroom fan run on a timer - works well for keeping the humdity and CO2 down.
- yea, this is something I see come up more and more. i've read about a few different ideas - am going to make it a point of discussion with my contractor. the good thing is that there are ducts/hoses running along my basement ceiling and to the outside - for exhaust of dryer I guess. So I'm hoping I can tap in there?

2. Run some tubing from the outside of the house to feed your skimmer - CO2 issues again.
- please explain? what do you mean here? sounds like one i know i havent heard of yet.

3. Plan for mulitple redundancies: what if the electricty goes out - will your pumps start again on their own when the electricity comes back on - self priming? What do you plan on doing when any of your pumps mysteriously dies on Friday night? Use at least 2 smaller heaters in case one dies - or stays on. etc.
- I have alot of this in the plan - using 3 different breakers and splitting up the equipment on them. i know my return pump (mag18) should start right back up again - always has. am planning enough overflow room in my sump for a power outtage (also I have holes in my return tubes now).

4. How are you going to reach the bottom of the tank from behind? Maybe a chair, or maybe you want to build an elevated walk way. You can add it in now much easier than later.
- great point. i planned on adding something later but maybe its better to think about that now and build it in. its been on my mind how i'm going to access the thing. maybe a walkway build together with the stand.

5. If you have any metes (temp, ph, orp, etc) think about if you want them on displayed on the front side of the tank. I used to have mine behind, but I find I notice problems much sooner if they are on the front because that is where I am usually sitting. If you plan it now, it will look much nicer than trying to do it later.
-I like this idea. I dont have much now except for a Little Temp Digital thing. May not get anything else at all but I think I'll add a place for this in the front maybe.
