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Old 03/23/2005, 05:53 PM
weatherson weatherson is offline
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: California
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Bamm Bamm: Did you get to making your carbon skimmer filter yet?

qwuintus: I think the blue party lights look good also. The only real downside to them is that they tend to turn greenish in color. But at the price they are, it's nothing to replace them prior to burn-out.

Nope, it's not Starfire and I'm not missing that either. The tanks I've seen with it really didn't make a big enough visual effect to my eyes to warrant the additional cost. Of course, I am speaking of Oceanic costs which tend to be exaggerated some. Throw in Starfire and they get exaggerated severely.

Gujustud: Thanks for the kind words.

jammre: I can't believe it either. You are a courageous person. The answer to your question is simple, the front side of course but it's not so bad on the backside either. Thanks for the words of kindness.
