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Old 01/13/2005, 12:12 AM
freakyreef freakyreef is offline
Toadstool pimp
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Eastern Colorado
Posts: 1,913
Preparing for the April frag swap.

Title says it..
Not sure if Everyone in the front range has one of my toadie Leathers yet or not, but I will be fragging it in a week or so.
How about a show of hands for those who want... One per person. I have enough for probably 12 med frags or so.
Got some tri-colors going last night. a total of six small frags, They grow quickly.
How about green protopalythoa buttons, metallic green?
Glove polyps.
macroalgaes, grape caulerpa and chaetomorpha.
At the rate I have been breaking stuff off while working, theres gonna end up being a bunch of frags if I am not careful!
Oh yeah, and anyone that wants Keyna tree, I counted 35 frags of the stuff groing in the tank, with who knows how many more in the sump!!
Only thing I am looking for is a trade or a dozen bioballs for my Predator skimmer.
I will have a few specialties there perhaps. They are looking long enough to frag.
I started the early thread this year.
Due to recent cutbacks, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.