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Old 12/23/2004, 11:31 AM
sfsuphysics sfsuphysics is offline
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Originally posted by rendeyxu
ok so if it is nice, why 6th ave would look like a chinese fish store?
how many fish places you have been to? only in hongkong? or some place else? it's just offensive to say chinese fish store blah blah, while you only see maybe 1% of fish stores in china.

I been to many fish stores in shanghai as nice as aquarium concept, so don't know where this comment come from.
I personally wouldn't say that was a nice fish store either.. unfortunately I never went there, I wasn't the poster, I was just commenting on what the original person who posted the picture said about it. The picture was a little on the small side, but yes, culturally speaking here in America it typically not acceptable to have fish hanging in bags all around the store instead of in tanks. I realize there are cultural differences between the two places.

And if you would of actually read my post, you'd see I have not been to any Chinese fish stores. I simply made a mention of some stories people have told me about stores in China, and tried to make a cultural connection. Just like *I* see in china town here in San Francisco, I have seen live animals out in the street like turtles, etc, that are used as food, this is a cultural thing, they don't do that at most other stores in the US. As a result I tried to make a similar connection with the fish store.

Now you comment about others being to only 1% of the fish stores, yet you mention some nice ones you saw in Shanghai, have you also been to many other fish stores around the entire country of china? (it's quite a large place) or just in Shanghai? Ie have you been to 1% of the fish stores but it's ok, because you saw good ones.

And quite frankly if you are that easily offended because of a comparison, then maybe you should stop reading and replying to this thread.