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Old 12/13/2004, 01:55 AM
lilmiss40 lilmiss40 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Sterling, Michigan
Posts: 12
Thanks everyone for your condolences.

A generator is a must as we all agree, but they only work if your at home when the power goes out. I am an avid snowmobiler and I am gone most weekends. I am scared to death about losing more fish. Wishful thinking, but is there anything on the market that can be hooked up to the tanks power supply to detect a power outage and automaticly start the generator? I know they have emergency generators at large businesses that come on automatically during an outage but what about us little people with our big spending habits? Any ideas? I would hate to give up snowmobiling on weekends but I am totally obsessed with my fish and corals. Tina
No honey, I didn't buy those corals, they have been there all along!