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Old 11/24/2004, 11:58 PM
rockster rockster is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: lawrenceville, Ga
Posts: 110
i forgot something..

"Livestock: Regal and Yellow Tangs, Flame and Coral Beauty angels, 4 sharknose gobies, 2 percula clowns, 3 cleaner shrimps, snails and hermite crabs.
Corals: green star polyps, flexible leather, purple tip acropora frag, blue mushrooms, hammer coral."

your fish population is quiet large for a 5 month old system,,,


do not siphon the sand bed after a year, that is NOT necessary..

the bed must remain undisturbed below the top inch at leasts.. it needs TIME to mature..

CYANO STARTING ON THE SAND BED does not mean it is caused from a "polluted" sand bed...

heck no...

I must say, if one simply follows a pattern and develops a habit of WATER QUALITY, meaning good flow, turkey-basting rocks (as explained above) evey few days, PH and ALK levels at correct AND STABLE parameters, and feeds in several small feedings rather than one large, rinses FROZEN FOODS LIKE BRINE SHRIMP, watches there addition of FLAKE FOODS, and skims, they will eliminate Cyano..

I will bet that the load of fish X feeding verses the maturity of the system is the cause

look, a 125 gallons with sand bed, live rock, skimmer 9 fish, 80 corals, 100 inverts and more.. had the first cyano out break ever and it was two years after setup...tryed EVERYTHING.. until Chemi-clean,,,

then we set up four 20 gallons and duplicated the outbreak.. my answers are in the article that is linked in the post i placed before this one.