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Old 11/08/2004, 08:28 PM
dwculp dwculp is offline
Robotic Overlord
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Denton, TX
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Originally posted by Scuba Oz
Nice pics, I do have a couple q's since I am thinking heavy on this TBS stuff. In your pics, I see crushed coral. I thought they said the sent you a sand bed?, which leads to my second question, how deep is you sand bed for the "package" they sent you.

Just wanted to know so if I order this stuff, I want sand, not coral
I looks like crushed coral but is not. It is has a grain size between sand and CC. It is sand directly off the ocean botttom, and contains tons of creatures. Each handfull I scoop out contins worms, crabs and other creatures. I like the look of it better than pure sand and much better than CC as there is all sorts of color in it from white to black and pinks. Total depth is about 1-2 inches.
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