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Old 08/20/2004, 11:48 AM
Mojoreef Mojoreef is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Seattle
Posts: 778
Dave I cant speak for others but I do have a BB with sps. My main concintration is on just removing detritus from the tank. Good flow keeps it suspension and the skimmer removes the vast majority, LR seems to be picking up the balance. With the removal of the detritus/waste I have had no problems with P or N products, no real noticable algae problems either.
The vast majority of P and N are bound up in bacteria as the detritus and waste are thier food source, in removing the waste/detritus you are removing the available P and N along with the critters that have it bound up organically. I havent done a water change in almost 3 and a half years so I cant say that is helping. Kind of a Win win.
On the food source, say for corals. The vast majority of corals eat detritus/waste from fish, which I have plenty of that. Keeping in suspension I am making it available for the corals instead of letting it become food for the sandbed fauna.
Thiier are so many concepts and methods for exportation I ahve never understood way all that stops when it comes to a DSB??? Is aquarium composting the exception to the rule??
