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Old 06/03/2004, 04:40 PM
orionsmamma orionsmamma is offline
Premium Member
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posts: 424
Hello everybody!

My name is Donna, I am a 21y/o single mom of a gorgeous 1 y/o baby boy. I have done FW for years, some fish but mostly turtles,crabs, lobsters ect. I always drooled over the pretty saltwater critters while getting supplys for my FW tanks, but saltwater care confused the c**p out of me. Finally, a few weeks ago I found this fourum and started reading. And reading and reading. I'm looking at starting a 75 gal, but after some reaserch, I realized it is going to cost me a fourtune! (just the live rock and sand alone, its crazy!) I had been looking at a 28 gal setup, the person wanted $300 for it, and after some advice here I decided no to get it. Shortly there after, the lady called me and offered it for $200, I couldnt pass it up. So now I have a 28 gal bowfront, with a live sand and rock (about 20 lbs of sand, mabey 30 of rock) an coral beauty angel, a large hermit crab and a lawnmower blenny. I dont plan on putting much money into this tank, as I still have big plans for that 75 gal. I figure this way, I can still have a aquarium, and save up for the bigger one. (I was dying for a tank, I almost bought a freshwater to hold me off untill I could get the 75) After I get the 75 gal ready for critters, I will move everything from the 28 to the 75, and use the 28 for a refugium, quarantine tank, or something like that. Maybe a breeding tank, after I get much more expierence.

So anyway, thats my intro. I'm looking forward to placing group orders(great idea, by the way) and joining in on some activities(if I can bring my son).

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