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Old 04/14/2004, 07:22 PM
JHardman JHardman is offline
Rare Clownfish Freak
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Phoenix AZ
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Originally posted by Rod Buehler
K.. I Guess but if the leaders that really know better dont make it right, how will the LFS that doesnt know any better ever get it right? It should start somewhwere.. If the leaders are mis labeling them everyone else will too. I look at ORA as leaders.. Come on Oama change the world .

Hey, would you guys have a look at this thread and post your thoughts..
You missed my last sentence...

ORA does list their stock with both latin species names AND common names. It is up to the LFS to take the hint, but frankly it has to come from the hobbyist, by demanding that the livestock they buy be correctly identified and labeled with a latin species name and a common if they want to or need to.

Quality Marine is also listing most (80%+) of their livestock with latin species too. I am starting to see other wholesalers list some species with latin names too. Some likely never will, after all if you sell someone an A. sebae it had better be an A. sebae and not an A. clarkii, with common names there is always an argument. Actually had a wholesaler tell me "all sebae are really clarkii and I should know I have been doing this for 25 years, so don't tell me I am wrong!!!!!".

So I do think the supply chain is getting the idea, but the pressure has to come from the money source, the end customer. If a LFS started losing sales because customer refused to buy anything that wasn't listed with a latin species name, you would see a big change and fast.